1. Transport Card: T-Money

A T-Money card is a prepaid card widely used for paying fares on public transportation in Korea, including the subway, buses, and even some taxis. It's a convenient option for both locals and visitors, as it can also be used for small purchases at convenience stores. You can buy a T-Money card at various locations, and it's a great way to simplify your transportation needs.

Where to Buy T-Money:

  • Convenience Stores: You can easily purchase a T-Money card at stores like GS25, 7-Eleven, and CU. However, please note that you need to use cash to load money onto this card—credit card payments aren’t accepted for loading funds.

 Using Your T-Money Card:

  • Subways: Simply tap your T-Money card on the card reader at the subway gate. The fare will be automatically deducted, and you can pass through. The average fare for a subway ride is around 1,250 KRW.

IMPORTANT: Do not sit in the yellow seats designated for the elderly or the pink seats reserved for pregnant women! It’s incredibly rude and can make foreigners look very bad. Only sit in the blue seats, which are for everyone.

  • Buses: When boarding a bus, tap your T-Money card on the reader by the door. The fare will be deducted as soon as you tap. Be sure to tap off when you get off. The fare for buses is typically around 1,200 KRW. Bus Seating: On buses, there are seats designated for the elderly, disabled, and pregnant women. Be mindful not to occupy these seats if you're not in one of these categories.
  • Taxis: Some taxis accept T-Money cards. When you reach your destination, simply tap your card on the payment terminal to pay for the fare.

2. Transport Card: Climate Card

The Climate Card, my absolute favorite was introduced to encourage environmentally-friendly travel in Korea 2024. 

- 58-65,000KRW a month (exactly) with unlimited usage in Seoul. (If you do not recharge at the end of the month youll lose the days to use it until you recharge or purchase a new card)

- Purchase in Subway stations or Convinience stores 


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